ASE's Management

office of the president

Prof. Leonard Wantchekon

President and Founder

management team

Fatima Khan

Research Manager

Obinna Obiwulu

Director of Communications

Svenja Ossmann

Associate Director PASRC

department of operations

Mr. Sylvestre Yahouedehou

Associate Director, Information Technology, Library

Mr. Florent Tohionon

Associate Director, Logistics

department of finance and administration

Mr. Aubin Hounssokou

Interim Director of Finance

Mrs. Christiane Onodje

Administrative Secretary in Charge of Human Resources

Mrs. Aïchatou Hougbe

Administrative Affairs Officer

Ms. Lisa Kraut

Financial Manager (USA)

board of directors

Mr. Leandre Adifon

Vice President

Mr. Hamet Aguemon

Minister Counselor Investments at Presidency of the Republic of Benin

Dr. Victoria Barham

Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty member of the Department of Economics

Dr. Shantayanan Devarajan

Professor of the Practice of Development

Mrs. Catherine Kossou

Director of Financial Planning, Reporting, and Analysis

Victor Murinde

Professor of Global Finance and Director of the Centre for Global Finance

Dr. Ritva Reinikka

Former Director of the Human Development Group

Be part of ASE's transformative vision
