Norbert Kpadonou

Master in Mathematics, Economics and Statistics (MMES)


A former ASE student speaks readily of his alma mater and professional development, and recalls his education at ASE with enthusiasm. Norbert Kpadonou joined the IERPE Master’s program in Public Economics and Applied Statistics in 2009, following a maîtrise in economics at the University of Abomey-Calavi. Even before his Master’s defense in January 2012, he had begun working at the Institute for Research for Development (IRD) in partnership with the Center for Population Education and Research Population (CEFORP/UAC). There, he held the post of statistician-economist, and was a program research assistant beginning in February 2011. In 2014, Norbert joined the Center for Demographic Research at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, where he is currently preparing a doctoral thesis in demography. His research focuses on the mediation of economic and professional roles in West African cities including Cotonou, Lomé and Ouagadougou. This topic is a continuation of the master’s thesis he defended at ASE on fertility and employment accessibility for women in Cotonou In sum, Norbert Kpadonou is interested in questions of gender issues in the workplace, work-life balance, education and health.

What Norbert Kpadonou says about ASE

I was particularly impressed by the work atmosphere and the good friendship between students during and even after my training. I also stress the quality of the professors and the richness of the program that goes beyond knowledge. ASE forges a winner’s mentality in students.

Norbert Kpadonou

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