CEIPP: The African School of Economics has made a name for itself in this field

19th Oct, 201718:16:03 PM GMT


After four weeks of training in Impact Evaluation of Public Policies, representatives of the Beninese Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fishing give us their impressions. Innocent Togla, Assistant Secretary-General of the Ministry, is the first to respond to our questions.

ASE : My first question is very simple: Why did you solicit this information in impact evaluation given that you have internal structures at the ministry that have already been working in this field for a longtime?

Innocent Togla: We often say, “We finish growing up, but we never finish learning!” We wanted to reinforce our capacities to better do what we are accustomed to doing. Impact Evaluation makes it possible to know what you have already done and to better orient yourself to know what should be done later; considering that we at the ministry have many projects that we manage, it is very important to deepen our knowledge of Impact Evaluation. That will help to better orient our actions in the direction of the target population.

ASE : How many total agents of the ministry were sent to the training?

Innocent Togla: There were 20 of us total! Even if some of them had occasional scheduling conflicts, everyone participated in the training. This group was resolved to undergo training to enhance the image of the ministry.

ASE : What inspired you to choose the African School of Economics to provide you with this type of training?

Innocent Togla: You know, there are some schools that have made themselves a name, right? Everyone is a little familiar with the African School of Economics results in this field. The school is growing more renowned all over at the moment. They have distinguished themselves on several occasions, and as soon as we were given the opportunity to have this training, we did not hesitate to turn to this school, taking into account the quality of its instructors and the renown of the school.

ASE : After this training, what concrete elements will determine its’ impact on your ministry?

Innocent Togla: That everyone at his post will be able to reflect on what he has learned during his participation in the various evaluation teams. Throughout the elaboration of the projects, it will be necessary henceforth to apply everything that we have learned, the base evaluations, the reference inquiries, the theory of change, etcetera.

ASE : Thank you.

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