GRE Training: ASE Pre-Docs Take a Simulation Test

26th Nov, 201814:20:44 PM GMT


On the 30th of October, predoctoral fellows of the African School of Economics took a paper-based GRE practice test as part of the preparation for the real test day. This is one of the main activities done by the fellows, which helps them to get familiar with the test questions and to improve their strategies in answering each type of question. Additionally, this practice test was taken with 1 minute off the standard time normally devoted to each section. This allowed the fellows to push themselves and to learn to manage their time for the real upcoming test. Two fellows shared their impressions after taking the practice test:

Samson M’Boueke: “The mock test gave me a sense of what to expect on the actual GRE exam. It helped me understand how important it is to appropriately manage the time allotted for each section if I want a high score.”

Ezechias Djima: “This GRE practice test allowed me to well identify my weaknesses and strengths, and based on that I can make a plan to overcome my weaknesses for the upcoming test. And it also gives me a sense of the actual GRE test.”

The practice test allows the predoctoral fellows to better understand the exam, learn the areas that they need to work on, and practice the test taking techniques that professor Cynthia Joseph teaches during GRE classes. Students will continue to work on these techniques and to learn new content to help them better understand the problems they will be tasked with during the actual GRE test. This test is a large component of applications for PhD programs in the United States where all of the predoctoral fellows will be applying.


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