Opening Ceremony for Bachelors and 1st Year Masters

17th Oct, 201810:52:14 AM GMT


The room buzzed with excitement as three people sat at a long head table on a raised platform in a classroom on the African School of Economics Campus. The room was full of young students- both incoming undergraduate and masters students-, parents, faculty, staff, and others, all gathered for the Opening Ceremony for the Bachelors Program and for incoming 1st Year Masters students at ASE.

The three people were ASE founder and president Leonard Wantchekon, ASE Undergraduate Dean Placide Da Cruz, and the head of Academic Affairs, Clementina Assede. They took time to welcome students to the school and to discuss what they had to look forward to during their time studying at the African School of Economics. Incoming students come from across the country and even across the continent of Africa.

During the ceremony many other staff and faculty members spoke to students to encourage and congratulate them. Among them was Ms. Rebecca Khelseau-Carsky, the director of the English International School, Mr. Sam Aguey, the dean of the masters program, and Caroline Tossou, a research assistant and former masters and pre-doctorate student. After the remarks students and parents also asked the present staff and ASE representatives any questions they may have had, immediately seeing the openness and transparency of the university. Following the ceremony all attendees were invited to enjoy in networking and refreshments and to share in the joy of the many things to come.

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