Students from the African School of Economics participate in Nobel Prize winner Thomas J. Sargent’s school

14th Jul, 202215:32:47 PM GMT


The African School of Economics (ASE), in partnership with QuantEcon and the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA), offer summer courses in quantitative economics to students. Starting last Monday, July 11, the online workshop which is hosted by Nobel laureate Thomas J. Sargent ends on Friday July 22, 2022.

The 2022 edition of the summer courses at the African School of Economics (ASE) will help provide young economists with the skills and knowledge in quantitative economics to better position them for their studies and their career pathways. Held in the René Boko room on the African School of Economics campus, students take online courses taught by internationally renowned professors. These include, among others, Professor Thomas J. Sargent, co-founder of QuantEcon and winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economic Science. On the agenda for the summer course included the foundations of programming in Python, data engineering with Pandas, Economic dynamics, linear algebra, optimization, and filtering and programming dynamic. Similarly, asset pricing, Bayesian statistics and frequentists, quantitative economic history and high computation performance with Python are also taught. At the end of each session, homework is given to assess the level of mastery of attendees. Next, a discussion forum where students can ask questions and receive answers from instructors and peers is available online. These courses aim to introduce and expose critical expertise in quantitative economics which is required in academic economics and industry for young economists from ASE and ENSEA.

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