Thematic Reading Groups

11th Oct, 201811:41:01 AM GMT


As the academic year settles into its rhythm and the classrooms come alive with discussion and collaboration, the Thematic Reading Groups (TRGs) have also begun on the African School of Economics’ campus. TRGs provide students with a space to read, discuss, and learn from academic papers on a variety of topics outside of the classroom. This year’s TRG topics are as follows:

  1. Infrastructure, Agriculture, & Trade
  2. Finance/Financial Inclusion
  3. Macroeconomics
  4. Political Economy & Economic History

Each TRG meets biweekly and each meeting consists of a presentation of a chosen research article by a student, followed by student questions and a discussion regarding the article. TRGs aid students, by refining their research-presentation skills, and by exposing them to research both in their field and outside of it.

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